newbb电子平台 finance student works on a computer in a computer lab


投资, banking and advising — these are just a few of the things you can do with a bachelor’s degree in finance. 拥有丰富的职业发展机会和惊人的发展潜力, 作为一个新的专业人士,没有比这更好的时机了! newbb电子平台’s Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) 在金融领域 offers best-in-class education and experiences to its students.

金融当然是一个数学密集型行业. 但其核心是, 毕竟,金融是关于人的, 它比其他任何东西都更能驱动决策和行为! 这就是为什么金融学位课程在 newbb电子平台 包括基于项目的学习机会, so you deal with both the intellectual and personal sides of the industry throughout your experience. 继续往下读吧:


All students in the finance major gain a broad understanding of corporate finance, investments and financial markets and institutions before completing a track of specialized classes in investments, 公司财务或财务规划.

  • 财务规划轨道

    It’s a stellar way to prepare yourself for a career in financial advising. You’ll learn how to help people make smart financial decisions and gain skills you can apply to both your personal and professional life!

  • 金融及投资追踪

    这是未来投资经理和交易员的理想课程. If you’ve always wanted to know how to build and maintain a profitable investment portfolio, 这是为你准备的.

  • 公司财务跟踪

    如果你想分析基金,就选择这条轨道, 公司的投资和其他货币资源. It could be perfect if you want to work for major companies and firms, 像戴尔这样的, 卡地纳健康, 固特异和宣威, 在未来.


  • 雅典,俄亥俄州住宿校园

    One of the major benefits of attending 俄亥俄州's Bachelor of Business Administration 在金融领域 program is getting to live and learn on our spacious green campus in 雅典. It’s more than a fully-equipped academy — it’s a place where students can get together, form lifelong bonds and support each other throughout their journeys.


  • 地区校园

    Get a start on your finance degree or complete a semester closer to home at one of 俄亥俄州’s regional campuses.







职业生涯 在金融领域

俄亥俄州的金融项目 expands your professional opportunities like few other programs and majors. 我想在银行工作? 你可以做到的. 想成为华尔街的交易员? 你也可以这样做. Want to help a mom-and-pop shop grow their small business into a booming enterprise? 大胆尝试吧!

Our graduates take their education and experiences into a wide range of different finance jobs and sectors. Here are just a few of the titles you could see on your business card in the near future:

  • 金融分析师
  • 投资组合经理
  • 首席财务顾问
  • 注册理财规划师
  • 财富管理
  • 财务经理


毕业生的就业率和实习率高达91%, Bachelor of Business Administration 在金融领域 students work for many of the best firms in America and beyond. Odds are you’ll recognize a few of the names of 俄亥俄州 grads’ recent employers:

  • 美国银行
  • 高盛(Goldman Sachs)
  • 摩根大通
  • 德勤
  • 花旗集团(Citigroup)
  • U.S. Bancorp
  • 科凯
  • 全国保险

当然, 许多学生也在newbb电子平台继续他们的教育, 进入我们众多中的一个 研究生课程. Whatever path you choose, a finance degree from newbb电子平台 is a great place to start!



超过80家公司参加了这次年会 newbb电子平台招聘会. 结合我们广泛的校友网络, it’s easier than you think to find a place to connect with employers and prove yourself to be the perfect candidate before graduation.



  • 加入全球咨询计划

    As a finance major, you’ll have plenty of project opportunities outside Ohio — and the U.S.!  许多金融专业的学生加入了 全球咨询计划(GCP) 出国留学, 与来自国外的学生合作解决令人兴奋的问题, 现实世界公司的复杂项目.  Students have visited Italy, Germany, Spain, France and Greece, just to name a few countries.

  • 在衍生品管理小组工作

    想要充实自己简历的金融专业学生可以加入 衍生工具管理小组, which uses a synthetic portfolio to teach students how to trade derivatives. It's one of the few student organizations of its kind in the country!

  • 参加学生固定收益管理小组

    作为一名金融专业的学生,你可以获得工作经验 学生固定收益管理小组 (OUSFIMG), a selective organization that actively manages a portfolio of over $3 million of fixed-income securities for the newbb电子平台 Endowment Fund! Join this group to make investment choices that matter and get real-world experience managing, 以前所未有的方式分析和理解金融. The group meets twice per semester to trade bonds and is overseen by an advisor.

  • 成为学生权益管理小组的一员

    在现实世界的金融问题上磨炼你的经验 学生权益管理小组 (OUSEMG),该机构还为俄亥俄州管理着数百万美元的资金. The OUSEMG members trade stocks instead of bonds but get much of the same 从实践经验中学习 作为国际足联主席.

  • 把实习当作工作经验

    在newbb电子平台, we believe in giving each student the tools and personal experience needed to thrive in their professional future. Each student in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in finance completes an internship and project during their course of study.

  • 学生组织网络

    Broaden your social and professional horizons by joining finance-related student organizations, 就像 金融业妇女协会, which is a perfect organization for up-and-coming female financial advisors, investors, and more.  也, 财务管理协会, 一个你可以找到导师的团体, 听演讲嘉宾, 从头开始建立你的职业关系网.

为什么 选择金融学位?

Finance is a fascinating topic for many students — so they study it at 俄亥俄州 to learn the complex mechanics that govern many aspects of the modern world. Become a finance major, and you’ll gain tools that will benefit you personally and professionally. Sooner than you think, your friends might come to you for budget advice!

就职业前景而言,金融也是一个出色的学位. 每个组织, 无论大小, 需要熟练的金融专家, and the right finance degree qualifies you for high-paying positions anywhere in the country. newbb电子平台’s finance program pairs rigorous classroom instruction with 从实践经验中学习, so you’re already familiar with industry-related tasks and technologies on your first day of work.


从一开始, 所有学生都可以在起草和坚持毕业计划方面得到帮助, 另外还有一个专门的成功顾问. Whether you need an answer to a specific question or general guidance regarding your time at newbb电子平台, 我们的财务教师和顾问可以提供帮助.




The Bachelor of Business Administration 在金融领域 program blends informative classroom education with hands-on experiences using the tools and technologies commonly found in the finance industry.

准备好成为这个程序中的Excel向导! But you’ll also get access to Bloomberg and FactSet datasets for your own financial analyses, 项目和更多. Students with minds for trading will enjoy the trading floor computer lab — if you’ve ever wanted to get your hands on investment trading terminals used by the pros, 就是这个了!

作为亲身体验的结果, 我们的毕业生从项目中脱颖而出,信心十足, 有能力并准备好为他们未来的雇主带来真正的价值.

